Monday, October 1, 2012

A Culture in Regression

We Don't Need No Steenking Books

The night closes in. Read the surveys of what children know, what students in universities know. Approximately nothing. We have become wanton morons. As the intellectual shadows fall again, as literacy declines and minds grow dim in the new twilight, who will copy the parchments this time?

No longer are we a schooled people. Brash new peasants grin and peck at their iPods. Unknowing, incurious, they gaze at their screens and twiddle, twiddle. They will not preserve the works of five millenia. They cannot. They do not even know why.

Twilight really does come. Sales of books fall. Attention spans shorten. Music gives way to angry urban grunting. The young count on their fingers when they do not have a calculator, know less by the year. We have already seen the first American generations less educated than their parents. College graduates do not know when World War One happened, or what the Raj was. They have read nothing except the nothing that they read, and little of that. Democracy was an interesting thought.

Ours will be a stranger Dark Age than the old one. Our peasants brush their teeth and wash, imagine themselves of the middle class, but their heads are empty.

And they rule. We have achieved the dictatorship of the proletariat. Hod-carriers in designer jeans, they do not quite burn books but simply ignore them. Their college degrees amount to high-school diplomas, if that, but they neither know nor care.

The things that have forever constituted civilization—respect for learning whether one had it or not, wide reading, careful use of language, manners, such notions as “lady” and “gentleman”--these are held in contempt.

Yet ours is a curious bleakness. Good things of everywhere and all time lie free for the having. When I was a child, you went to a library for books and the libraries often didn't have many. Today you can get even the Chinese classics, or those of Greece and Rome, or almost any book ever written in any language, from the web in five minutes. Do you want Marvin Minsky on finite automata? Papinian and Ulpian on Roman law? Balzac? Raymond Chandler? Tolkien? All are there. The same is true for any music, any painting, any movie, almost any historical curiosity: Ozzie and Harriet, Captain Video, Plastic Man. You can have cultivated friends in Kanmandu or Yuyuni in the Bolivian alitplano, and talk to them face-to-face with Skype.

This is news to no one. Yet it may prove important in ways we do not think. The internet allows an electronic community of those who have not been peasantrified. On the Web, learning and taste will live or, perhaps I should say, hide out. When there is no longer enough interest in books to support bookstores—they close now in droves—the residual demand integrated over the surface of the earth will provide enough of a market to keep the One True Bookstore, Amazon, going. Project Gutenberg will do the same for works not in copyright.

Things grow worse for the many but better for the few.

Odd: In one sense the internet is highly democratizing, giving any teenager in Tennessee resources greater than those of the Library of Congress. It does this equally for a Cambodian teenager in Battambang. A bright youngster can learn almost anything with a cheap computer and broadband: mathematics, literature, languages.

The net also allows a terribly needed aristocracy, by which I mean not a govermental arrangement but the community of those of discrimination. They will shortly amount to a secret society, perhaps with a distinctive hand-shake for mutual recognition. It could become dangerous to speak correct English. It would indicate Elitism. We live in a society in which elitism is thought far more criminal than mere pederasty or cannibalism.

“Elitism” of course means only the principle that the better is preferable to the worse, but society today, except in matters of football, believes the worse to be preferable to the better. (One does not readily imagine a quarterback being urged to lower his passing percentage so as not to wound the self-esteem of his colleagues.)

It is literally true that the better is suspect. If you correct a high-school teacher's grammar, she will accuse you of stultifying creativity, of racism, of insensitiviy. If you reply that had you wanted your children brought up as baboons, you would have bought baboons in the first place, she will be offended.

Home-schooling, it seems to me, becomes a towering social responsibility. I have actually seen a teacher saying that parents should not let children learn to read before they reach school. You see, it would put them out of synch with the mammalian larvae that children are now made to be. Bright children not only face enstupiation and hideous boredom in schools taught by complacent imbeciles. No. They are also encouraged to believe that stupidity is a moral imperative.

Once they begin reading a few years ahead of their grade, which commonly is at once, school becomes an obstacle to advancement. This is especially true for the very bright. To put a kid with an IQ of 150 in the same room with a barely literate affirmative-action hire, clocking 85 is child abuse.

Essential, even crucial, to the preservation of civilization in the deepening gloom is a grim, intransigent determination not to apologize. You cannot cleanse the schools of teachers who barely speak English. The country is too far gone. But you needn't be cowed into regarding cretins as other than cretins. In front of your kids especially, don't be cowed. If your child in the second grade is reading at the level of the sixth grade, she (I have daughters, which clouds my mind) she is superior. It is not that “she tests well,” with the subtle implication that testing well is some sort of trick, having nothing to do with intelligence, which doesn't exist. She is smart, literate,

superior (oh, forbidden word).

She will have figured out the “smart” part anyway. You need only to let her know that smart is a good thing.

In an age of blinkered specializaton perhaps we should revive the idea of the Renaissance man. Today the phrase is quaint and almost condescending (though how do you condescend up?), arousing the mild admiration one has for a dancing dog. A time was when the cultivated could play an instrument, paint, knew something of mathematics and much of languages, traveled, could locate France, attended the opera and knew what they were attending. They wrote clearly and elegantly, this being a mark of civilization. I think of Benvenuto Cellini, born 1500, superb sculptor, professional musician, linguist, elegant writer, and good with a sword.

If there is any refuge, it is the internet. Let us make the most of it.

Source: Fred Reed


Thursday, February 10, 2011

WOODY HARRELSON new political documentary

My name is Pete McGrain. I wrote and directed ETHOS, a powerful new political documentary that stars WOODY HARRELSON as host.

The film looks at the systemic issues; conflicts of interest in politics, rampant over–consumption, unregulated corporate power, and a media in the hands of massive conglomerate interests, that guarantee our failure in every aspect of our lives, from the environment to democracy, to warfare and our own personal liberty. The film however, offers a solution. A simple but powerful way for us to have our voices heard as they have never been heard before.With interviews from some of today’s leading thinkers and source material from the finest documentary film makers of our times Ethos examines and unravels these complex relationships, and offers a solution, a simple but powerful way for you to change this system!

In keeping with the principals of the film we are not using corporate media to distribute the film. We are also offering the film for free download so everyone can get this information, not just those who can afford it.

Free Download

Thursday, October 28, 2010

$8 billion spent, no records kept

Inspector general's report raises alarms about funds inside Defense Department


By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

The U.S. Department of Defense got more than $9 billion from the sale of Iraqi oil and other revenue streams to be used for reconstruction inside the war-damaged nation and spent it but now cannot document where $8.7 billion of those funds went, according to an inspector general's report published online.

The military's response in the report noted that the records probably exist, it's just that they're probably archived, and it might take a long time to track them down.

The issue was documented in a published report from the special inspector general for Iraqi reconstruction. It first was reported by a special contributor, Mike Maloof, in the premium online intelligence source Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

Maloof reported the IG paperwork documented that the U.S. still holds some $34.3 million of development funds money even though it was supposed to have been turned over to Iraq years ago.

(Story continues below)

The report, dated July 27, but still unreported in media outlets, documented, "Weakness in DoD's financial management controls left it unable to properly account for $8.7 billion of the $9.1 billion in DFI (Development Fund for Iraq) funds it received for reconstruction activities in Iraq.

For full and immediate access to the exclusive reports in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, subscribe now.

"This situation occurred because most DoD organizations receiving DFI funds did not establish the required Department of the Treasury accounts and no DoD organization was designated as the executive agent for managing the use of DFI funds. The breakdown in controls left the funds vulnerable to inappropriate uses and undetected loss," the IG report warned.

In the report, the military suggested that the documents were around somewhere, probably in a "stateside" archive, but it could take a long time to find them.

Neither the Department of Defense nor the IG office returned WND calls requesting comment.

But the IG report, signed by Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart W. Bowen Jr., reported how the situation developed.

Bowen wrote that the Development Fund for Iraq was set up in 2003 when the Coalition Provisional Authority essentially was running the nation. It was recognized by the U.N. in Resolution 1483.

"DFI funds were to be used in a transparent manner for the benefit of the people of Iraq," he explained. The project was supposed to be dissolved effective Dec. 31, 2007.

The lack of accounting was because the proper channels and oversight never were established, he said.

"The Department of the Treasury established guidance for accounting for non-U.S. government funds when U.S. agencies act as a custodian of those funds, but DoD did not implement the guidance in a timely manner. More importantly, most DoD organizations that received DFI funds did not follow the guidance. Only one of these organizations established the required account and, as a result, accounts were not estabslihed for $8.7 billion (96 percent) of the DFI funds made available to DoD," the report said.

The IG report recommended the Defense Department "take a number of actions to include specifying procedures for the accounting and reporting of non-U.S. funds in future contingencies, designating an executive agent to establish and oversee policy on the use of funds, establishing milestones for issuing guidance consistent with our DFI recommendations … and determining whether DoD organizations are still hold DFI funds."

The audit team even traveled to Iraq to look into the situation.

"During our visit to Iraq, we met with … officials to discuss their DFI contracting activities associated with these funds. The officials told us they were not in Iraq at that time and, therefore, were not familiar with … DFI activities. The officials provided us with electronic copies for all … DFI files retained in Iraq. Our review of this information showed that $4 billion of the $6.6 billion in cash transferred from the CPA was intended to pay ongoing reconstruction contracts executed by the CPA. However, the electronic records did not show the manner in which these funds were expended."

Among the agencies included in the search for the money documentation were the Office of Management and Budget, Department of State, Office of the Secretary of Defense, assistant secretary of the Army, U.S. Army Budget Office, U.S. Army Central Command, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of the Navy, and the U.S .Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment.

A response from CENTCOM, prepared by Maj. John Roub and approved by Col. Paul Chamberlain, contested the report.

"Page 5. The first sentence reads, 'Weaknesses in DoD's financial and management controls leaves it unable to account for $8.7 billion of the $9.1 billion in DFI funds it received for reconstruction activities in Iraq.' This is a mischaracterization of the facts intended to support this finding. The report backs up the assertion by stating 'DoD did not establish deposit fund accounts within the Department of the Treasury for $8.7 billion of the $9.1 billion of the DFI funds it controlled.' The fact that deposit accounts were not established does not translate to $8.7 billion being unaccountable. The documents that would account for much of the $8.7 billion are likely archived at a stateside location," said the response.

"It's likely that many documents accounting for the expenditure of the $8.7 billion were sent to ARCENT at Ft. McPherson, Ga., or elsewhere for archiving."

The military response recommended the following wording: "DoD did not establish deposit fund accounts within the Department of the Treasury for $8.7 billion of the $9.1 billion of the DFI funds it controlled. As a result, attempting to account for $8.7 billion of the DFI funds controlled by DoD would require significant archival retrieval efforts."

Keep in touch with the most important breaking news stories about critical developments around the globe with Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.

For full and immediate access to the exclusive reports in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, subscribe now.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reform in America

In these United States of America, how is it presently possible to enact any legislation, make any real reforms and do what is best for the country and its people? On every issue there is no consensus. The compromises necessary to enact any legislation results in watered down, marginalized, and limited tweaking of problems instead of providing lasting and effective solutions.

Health care reform (which has been the primary focus of this president and this Democrat dominated Congress) is a prime example of the flawed process in action. Some type of health care "reform" package will be enacted shortly that will be called "major health care reform." But it will leave in place (and expand) the private health insurance system's dominance over health care in this country--the same private health care insurers' whose monopoly of the industry produced the unsustainable and runaway health care insurance costs that prompted (in the first place)the urgent need for reform of the industry. Yet nothing will be enacted that will curtail the rising cost of private health care.

Only a single payer, Medicare type system would provide the needed competition to the private health insurers that would reduce overall health care costs. Yet that basic reform measure has been rejected, leaving in place the same bloated system--albeit with marginal reforms. That is, coverage to some 30,000,000 presently uninsured's (out of 50,000,000) and eliminating the dropping of coverage for those with preexisting conditions. Thus a health care system that requires major reform will get limited reform at best, while the underlying problem of containing skyrocketing costs of health care remains in force.

The same can be said of enacting reform of the finance industry, those unregulated "masters of the universe" whose capricious excesses and mendacious ways of doing business has continued unabated with the same "business as usual" practices (no matter that they were the perpetrators who caused the financial crisis that led to the subsequent economic calamity in this country and around the world).

Sure some minor regulations and oversight will be enacted but if anyone seriously believes major reform and regulation of the financial industry will take place, they are living in fantasy land. The big banks are too entrenched (along with the other mega corporations, big health care, big Pharma, big military/industrial, big box store) and too interconnected and entangled in the legislative and electoral process to cede away any of its influence and dominance over the system where they reign supreme.

If it weren't for wary skeptics, grass roots activists, reformers and progressive watchdog groups and individuals who keep a vigilant eye on the mechanizations of the corporate behemoths and their henchmen in office, we would be in danger of being in complete submission to these all powerful corporate overlords.

For it is the progressive community of disparate voices who keep alive that ray of sunshine, that ray of hope of resurrecting and restoring our republic; the only entities keeping alive our ideals of freedom and democracy.

For OpEdNews [ ]: Dave Lefcourt - Writer


Margot B Newsletter: March


The banking industry is a classic case of the tail wagging the dog. The real problem happens when the tail has no regard for the welfare of the dog. We passed that point in the 1980s and only now we are seeing the effects of making that decision.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (L) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

The most dependable car probably is not what you think.


INTERVIEW-US graft report angers Haiti amid quake recovery

Tens of thousands of Italians have been taking part in a protest in Rome's main square against the government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

EU facing biggest crisis in history - Czech president Klaus



By Rick Rozoff


Cpl. Dan Moskaluk: ‘We can confirm that one person is dead and that 12 people have been injured’




As PM, the party’s leader enacts policies that halve poverty. The established elites fight back, eventually staging a military coop. ‘We had to stop democracy to save democracy’, they say.


In case anyone needed further evidence that President Paul Kagame’s Rwanda is the Pentagon’s proxy, 140 Rwandan police are about to undertake special training before heading to Haiti, as reported in the Rwanda New Times.







from Carolyn Baker


The use of antibiotics in agribusiness is a hot topic at present, as are safety concerns over the preparation of beef in school lunch programs, some treated with ammonia to kill E.coli bacteria and reduced to ‘pink slime’.




By Madelyn Hoffman

Questions about U.S. military presence in Haiti. Is it what the Haitians really need?


My comment: Bear with the opening which is Hugo Chavez speaking in Spanish. It quickly moves to Cindy speaking in English.


Hackers have flooded the Internet with virus–tainted spam that targets Facebook’s estimated 400 million users in an effort to steal banking passwords and gather other sensitive information.



So, let’s see… When we (all) talk about Hitler, why is it that there  is no excusing him or anything he has ever done to others, but with the  governments of north and south america, we, as citizens, are told that  we must simply ‘turn the page’ and ‘move on’…

Luc Majno

Euro crisis: Latvia and the PIGS

Down on the Euro Animal Farm, some animals are more equal than others, finds Eric Walberg

Two million people took to the streets of Athens last week in the country's second general strike this month, protesting the austerity measures proposed by their socialist government. All of Greece came to a 24-hour standstill and the airport was closed as a result of the action. The only public transport was the commuter train so that protesters could reach the demonstration.

The crisis broke last autumn after Prime Minister George Papandreous took office and discovered the country was bankrupt. The conservative government had cheated to get into the European Union euro zone in 2001, cooking the books. What on paper -- creative accounting courtesy of Goldman Sachs -- was a budget deficit of 3 per cent and public debt 60 per cent of GDP, by 2009 had ballooned to 13 per cent and 125 per cent.

Initially, the EU tried to finesse the issue, declaring solidarity with Greece. But the financial sharks are sharpening their teeth, smelling blood. Their response to the Greek problem is naturally to rush to profit from it. Greece's "credit rating" has already been lowered, meaning any new bonds will carry a much higher price tag for the government (read: people). That of course makes it all the harder for Greece (read: the people) to actually pay the bankers. And when the country defaults, the EU will be forced to cough up in any case. Win, win for the fat cats. What EU leaders meant by solidarity was not that they were going to pour public money into Greece, as they have been pouring into their banks over the past year and a half, but that they intended to squeeze the money "owed" the banks out of the Greek people, relying on IMF oracles.

The European Parliament, the democratic facade for this, is really just the mouthpiece for the austerity seekers. Chairman of the EP Special Committee on the Economic and Financial Crisis Wolf Klinz has called for a commissar to be sent to make sure the Greeks deliver the required pound of flesh.

But who did the fiddling in the first place? The EU statistics agency Eurostat says that in 2001, Goldman Sachs secretly helped the right-wing Greek government meet EU membership criteria by masking the extent of public deficit and national debt. Once in Euroland, Greek consumers naively snapped up slick German goods and let their own industry atrophy. Now the debt trap is closing.

The traditional way out would be to devalue the drachma, in order to cut imports and stimulate exports, distributing the overall burden of adjustment to the nation as a whole -- rich and poor. But there is no drachma anymore. Bound to the euro, Greece can neither stimulate its domestic market nor export successfully. Poverty appears to be the only solution. Or, at the suggestion of Josef Schlarmann, a senior member of the German Christian Democratic Party, sell off its islands and antiquities -- presumably to rich German bankers. Greeks still resent as their brutal WWII occupiers, and this clumsy faux pas has already set off a campaign to boycott German goods.

Whatever paper is used to cover the cracks, the outlook for Greece -- and the EU -- remains grim, because France and Germany are merely adding to their own liabilities while not reducing Greece’s, and Greece will be quite unable to cut its deficit by the requisite 10 percentage points of GDP.

The very fabric of the European Union is being torn asunder as the rich members turn their backs on the poor. The iron law of capitalism -- the strong protect their own interests at the expense of the weak -- is once again being played out. Squeeze the workers. Communist propaganda, you might say, but unfortunately true.

In an ideal Europe, workers in Germany would come to the aid of workers in Greece by demanding a radical revision of economic policy, making the banks sovereign and the bankers civil servants, building a real social democracy. The reality is quite different. The Greek financial crisis exposes the absence of any real community spirit in the EU. The solidarity declared by EU members is a solidarity of businessmen.

The EU now has an ersatz ideology of internationalism, rejecting the nation state as the source of all evil, cultivating "a pompous pride in Europe as the centre of human rights, giver of moral lessons to the world, which happens to fit in perfectly with its subservience to US imperial foreign policy in the Middle East and beyond," according to Diana Johnstone, author of Fools Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions. In this cosy Euro brotherhood, Greece is portrayed as a picturesque Third World country, living the Aesopian carefree life of the cricket to the Germans' ant. The likes of Portugal, Italy / Ireland, Greece and Spain are affectionately dubbed PIGS, a chilling throwback to Orwell's Animal Farm.

But the storm clouds now gathering are not just over Greece; the entire western world is still very much in fiscal crisis. The investment bank Societe Generale recently published a frightening estimate of the real liabilities of Western governments, including off balance sheet debts. In every case the numbers, including unfunded pension fund liabilities, dwarf the official debt position. Greece is by far the worst because of what Otmar Issing, the German former chief economist of the European Central Bank, described with German tact as “one of the most luxurious pension systems in the world”. Its total net liabilities are 800 per cent of GDP – eight times the official position. For the US , it is 550, the UK 400, Germany 400, France 550, Italy 350 and Spain 250. In other words, the entire western world is insolvent and each country is facing its own day of reckoning – starting, appropriately enough, in Greece, the home of western civilisation.

Who cleans up the mess when bankers play casino capitalism and go broke? Ninety-three per cent of the people of Iceland rejected a proposal requiring them to cover the debt of their oldest and largest bank on 6 March. Covering the debt would have cost Iceland's 317,000 citizens around $17,000 each. Iceland's national referendum was the first (legal) expression of the people's will to decide who pays when the financial elite fail. Greece's (illegal) general strikes were the first truly democratic expression of the people's will. The sharks should take heed. When the oxygen is used up, the water turned into a cesspool, their days are numbered too.

As the working class begins to wake up, it takes a page from its master's book. It must be international. Last week saw a succession of strikes and protests throughout Europe: Lufthansa’s pilots, French air traffic controllers and oil refinery workers, protest rallies in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia against the austerity measures of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party government. Trade unions in the Czech Republic announced that public transport would be halted this week. A one-day general strike of the public sector in Portugal protested measures to cut the deficit to 3 per cent of GDP by 2013. A truly pan-European movement is being born. The Independent's Sean O’Grady predicts such actions “promise to be just the start of the greatest demonstration of public unrest seen on the continent since the revolutionary fervour of 1968.”

The other lesson the workers are learning is that they must throw off their deadwood leadership. The aim of the unions is to regulate social tensions and ensure that they do not pose a threat to big business and the state. British Airways cabin crews were set to strike until their union put strike action "on hold". The German pilots' union, Vereinigung Cockpit, called off the strike at Lufthansa on its first day, as did the General Confederation of Labour in the strike against the oil giant Total in France. In both cases, the unions capitulated without having won any of the workers’ demands.

The most draconian cuts are being imposed by social democratic governments; in particular, the socialists in Greece, Spain and Portugal. In every instance, writes Christ Marsden, "they were elected with the support of the trade union bureaucracies, which have remained their allies as promised reforms have given way to austerity budgets." The general strike in Greece is a sign that the corporate union leadership is being swept into action against the pseudo-socialist government by incensed workers, a portent of what will no doubt come. More communist propaganda, but unfortunately true.

A sad footnote to this is the case of the weakest new members from the ex-socialist bloc. Latvia's 25.5 per cent plunge in GDP over the past two years is already the worst two-year drop on record ever, ahead of the Great Depression, with projections of even greater debt and the need for even great austerity measures, as the government madly continues to pursue the euro will-o'-the-wisp. Yes, the Latvias are indeed corrupt, their post-Soviet elites stole, stripped and sold the shop to Western interests, and then transferred their ill-gotten gains abroad.

But worse yet is the outright theft carried out in broad daylight by Western banks, whose academic friends were hired to write the Latvias' tax codes and who provided easy euro-denominated credit, so when the crunch came, they could move in and take whatever was left. Why invade such countries as Greece or Latvia with armies when you have bankers?

The real significance of the euro is now becoming clear: just as there are no national economies anymore, there is no national solution to the crisis facing workers in Greece, Spain, Portugal or anywhere else. They are forced into a common struggle against global capital. "Workers of the world unite!" never sounded so apt. And a mini-oracle to Goldman, Sachs, Klinz and Issing: Take your next winter holiday in sunny, profligate Greece at your peril.

Eric Walberg writes for Al-Ahram Weekly You can reach him at


Friday, March 5, 2010


What if the economy doesn't recover?

In 2008 the U.S. economy tripped down a steep, rocky slope.
Employment levels plummeted; so did purchases of autos and other
consumer goods. Property values crashed; foreclosure and bankruptcy
rates bled. For states, counties, cities, and towns; for
manufacturers, retailers, and middle- and low-income families, the
consequences were - - and continue to be - - catastrophic. Other nations were
soon caught up in the undertow.

In late 2009 and early 2010, the economy showed some signs of renewed
vigor. Understandably, everyone wants it to get "back to normal." But
here's a disturbing thought: What if that is not possible? What if
the goalposts have been moved, the rules rewritten, the game changed?
What if the decades-long era of economic growth based on
ever-increasing rates of resource extraction, manufacturing, and
consumption is over, finished, and done? What if the economic
conditions that all of us grew up expecting to continue practically
forever were merely a blip on history's timeline?

It's an uncomfortable idea, but one that cannot be ignored: The
"normal" late-20th century economy of seemingly endless growth
actually emerged from an aberrant set of conditions that cannot be

That "normal" is gone. One way or another, a "new normal" will emerge
to replace it. Can we build a different, more sustainable economy to
replace the one now in tatters?

Let's be clear: I believe we are in for some very hard times. The
transitional period on our way toward a post-growth, equilibrium
economy will prove to be the most challenging time any of us has ever
lived through. Nevertheless, I am convinced that we can survive this
collective journey, and that if we make sound choices as families and
communities, life can actually be better for us in the decades ahead
than it was during the heady days of seemingly endless economic

In this essay, I would like to share my conclusions on this subject
and the process by which I arrived at them. It's a bit of a long
story, so please bear with me. First, the conclusions.

Four Propositions
The following summary statements are fundamental both to grasping our
current situation and managing our way toward a desirable future:

We have reached the end of economic growth as we have known it. The
"growth" we are talking about consists of the expansion of the
overall size of the economy (with more people being served and more
money changing hands) and of the quantities of energy and material
goods flowing through it. The economic crisis that began in 2008 was
both foreseeable and inevitable, and that it marks a permanent,
fundamental break from past decades - - a period in which economists
adopted the unrealistic view that perpetual economic growth is
necessary and also possible to achieve. As we will see, there are
fundamental constraints to ongoing economic expansion, and the world
is beginning to encounter those constraints. This is not to say the
U.S. or the world will never see another quarter or year of growth
relative to the previous year. Rather, the point is that when the
bumps are averaged out, the general trend-line of the economy
(measured in terms of production and consumption of real goods) will
be level or downward rather than upward from now on.

The basic factors that will inevitably shape whatever replaces the
growth economy are knowable. To survive and thrive for long,
societies have to operate within the planet's budget of sustainably
extractable resources. This means that even if we don't know exactly
what a desirable post-growth economy and lifestyle will look like, we
know enough to begin working toward them.

It is possible for economies to persist for centuries or millennia
with no or minimal growth. That is how most economies operated until
recent times. If billions of people through countless generations
lived without economic growth, we can do so as wel - - now and far into
the future. The end of growth does not mean the end of the world.

Life in a non-growing economy can be fulfilling, interesting, and
secure. The absence of growth does not imply a lack of change or
improvement. Within a non-growing or equilibrium economy there can
still be a continuous development of practical skills, artistic
expression, and technology. In fact, some historians and social
scientists argue that life in an equilibrium economy can be superior
to life in a fast-growing economy: while growth creates opportunities
for some, it also typically intensifies competition there are big
winners and big losers, and (as in most boom towns) the quality of
relations within the community can suffer as a result. Within a
non-growing economy it is possible to maximize benefits and reduce
factors leading to decay, but doing so will require pursuing
appropriate goals: instead of more, we must strive for better; rather
than promoting increased economic activity for its own sake, we must
emphasize whatever increases quality of life without stoking
consumption. One way to do this is to reinvent and redefine growth

The transition to a no-growth economy (or one in which growth is
defined in a fundamentally different way) is inevitable, but it will
go much better if we plan for it rather than simply watching in
dismay as institutions we have come to rely upon fail, and then try
to improvise a survival strategy in their absence.

In effect, we have to create a desirable "new normal" that fits the
constraints imposed by depleting natural resources. Maintaining the
"old normal" is not an option; if we do not find new goals for
ourselves and plan our transition from a growth-based economy to a
healthy equilibrium economy, we will by default create a much less
desirable "new normal" whose emergence we are already beginning to
see in the forms of persistent high unemployment, a widening gap
between rich and poor, and ever more frequent and worsening financial
and environmental crises - - all of which translate to profound distress
for individuals, families, and communities.

'Limits to Growth'

The journey that led to my formulating these propositions began in
1972, when a book called Limits to Growth was making headlines. This
relatively compact volume, which went on to become the best-selling
environmental book of all time, provoked the first Great Wake-up Call
of my adult life, changing the course of everything I have thought and
done ever since.

Let me explain why Limits to Growth impacted me so deeply.

That book, which reported on the first attempts to use computers to
model the likely interactions between trends in resources,
consumption, and population, was also the first major scientific
study to question the assumption that economic growth can and will
continue more or less uninterrupted into the foreseeable future.

The idea was heretical at the time - - and still is: during the past few
decades, growth has become virtually the sole index of national
economic well-being. When the economy grows, jobs appear, investments
yield high returns, and everyone is happy. When the economy stops
growing, financial bloodletting ensues. And so predictably a book
saying that growth cannot and will not continue beyond a certain
point proved profoundly upsetting in some quarters, and soon Limits
to Growth was prominently "debunked" by public relations efforts
organized by pro-growth business interests. In reality, this
"debunking" merely amounted to taking a few numbers in the book
completely out of context, citing them as "predictions" (which they
explicitly were not), and then claiming that these predictions had
failed. The ruse was quickly exposed, but rebuttals often don't gain
nearly as much publicity as accusations, and so today millions of
people mistakenly believe that the book was long ago discredited. In
fact, the original Limits to Growth scenarios have held up quite

In principle, the argument for eventual limits to growth is a
slam-dunk. If any quantity grows steadily by a certain fixed
percentage per year, this implies that it will double in size every
so-many years; the higher the percentage growth rate, the quicker the
doubling. A rough method of figuring doubling times is known as the
rule of 70: dividing the percentage growth rate into 70 gives the
approximate time required for the initial quantity to double. If a
quantity is growing at 1 percent per year, it will double in 70
years; at 2 percent per year growth, it will double in 35 years; at 5
percent growth, it will double in only 14 years, and so on. If you
want to be more precise, you can use the Y^x button on your
calculator, but the rule of 70 works fine for most purposes.

Here's a real-world example: Over the past two centuries, human
population has grown at rates ranging from less than one percent to
more than two percent per year. In 1800, world population stood at
about one billion; by 1930 it had doubled to two billion. Only 30
years later (in 1960) it had doubled again to four billion; currently
we are on track to achieve a third doubling, to eight billion humans,
around 2025. No one seriously expects human population to continue
growing for centuries into the future. But imagine if it did at just
1.3 percent per year (its growth rate in the year 2000). By the year
2780 there would be 148 trillion humans on Earth - - one person for each
square meter of land on the planet's surface.

It won't happen, of course.

In nature, growth always slams up against non-negotiable constraints
sooner or later. If a species finds that its food source has
expanded, its numbers will increase to take advantage of those
surplus calories - - but then its food source will become depleted as
more mouths consume it, and its predators will likewise become more
numerous (more tasty meals for them!). Population "blooms" (that is,
periods of rapid growth) are always followed by crashes and die-offs.

Here's another real-world example. In recent years China's economy
has been growing at eight percent or more per year; that means it is
more than doubling in size every ten years. Indeed, China consumes
more than twice as much coal as it did a decade ago - - the same with
iron ore and oil. The nation now has four times as many highways as
it did, and almost five times as many cars. How long can this go on?
How many more doublings can occur before China has used up its key
resources - - -or has simply decided that enough is enough and has stopped

It makes sense that economies should follow rules analogous to those
that govern biological systems. Plants and animals tend to grow
quickly when they are young, but then they reach a more or less
stable mature size. In organisms, growth rates are largely controlled
by genes. In economies, growth seems tied to factors such as the
availability of resources - - chiefly energy resources ("food" for the
industrial system). During the 20th century, cheap and abundant
fossil fuels enabled rapid economic expansion; at some point,
therefor, fossil fuel depletion could put a brake on growth. It is
also possible that industrial wastes could accumulate to the point
that the biological systems that underpin economic activity (such as
forests, crops, and human bodies) begin to fail.

But economists generally don't see things this way. That's probably
because most current economic theories were formulated during an
anomalous historical period of sustained growth. Economists are
merely generalizing from their experience: they can point to decades
of steady growth in the recent past, and so they simply project that
experience into the future. Moreover, they have ways to explain why
modern market economies are immune to the kinds of limits that
constrain natural systems; the two main ones concern substitution and

If a useful resource becomes scarce, its price will rise, and this
creates an incentive for users of the resource to find a substitute.
For example, if oil gets expensive enough, energy companies might
start making liquid fuels from coal. Or they might develop other
energy sources undreamed of today. Economists theorize that this
process of substitution can go on forever. It's part of the magic of
the free market.

Increasing efficiency means doing more with less. In the U.S., the
number of inflation-adjusted dollars generated in the economy for
every unit of energy consumed has increased steadily over recent
decades (the amount of energy, in British Thermal Units, required to
produce a dollar of GDP

has been dropping steadily, from close to 20,000 BTU per dollar in
1949 to 8,500 BTU in 2008). That's one kind of economic efficiency.
Another has to do with locating the cheapest sources of materials,
and the places where workers will be most productive and work for the
lowest wages. As we increase efficiency, we use less - - of either
resources or money - - to do more. That enables more growth.

Finding substitutes for depleting resources and upping efficiency are
undeniably effective adaptive strategies of market economies.
Nevertheless, the question remains open as to how long these
strategies can continue to work in the real world - - which is governed
less by economic theories than by the laws of physics. In the real
world, some things don't have substitutes, or the substitutes are too
expensive, or don't work as well, or can't be produced fast enough.
And efficiency follows a law of diminishing returns: the first gains
in efficiency are usually cheap, but every further incremental gain
tends to cost more, until further gains become prohibitively

Unlike economists, most physical scientists recognize that growth
within any functioning, bounded system has to stop sometime.

But this discussion has very real implications, because the economy
is not just an abstract concept; it is what determines whether we
live in luxury or poverty; whether we eat or starve. If economic
growth ends, everyone will be impacted, and it will take society
years to adapt to this new condition. Therefor it is important to be
able to forecast whether that moment is close or distant in time.

Hence the Limits to Growth study. The authors fed in data for world
population growth, consumption trends, and the abundance of various
important resources, ran their computer program, and concluded that
the end of growth would probably arrive between 2010 and 2050.
Industrial output and food production would then fall, leading to a
decline in population. (By the way, the Limits to Growth scenario
study has been re-run repeatedly in the years since the original
publication, using more sophisticated software and updated input
data. The results were similar. See Limits to Growth: The 30-Year

My Personal Story of Waking Up to Limits

That's why Limits to Growth meant so much to me when I encountered it
at age 21. I realized that the world in which I had been born, raised,
and educated was headed toward what is politely known as a "historical
discontinuity," but more colloquially termed "collapse," "a cliff," or
"a brick wall." Millions of young people today are having the same
experience as they learn about climate change. Welcome to the club.

At the time, I had been trying to make my way as a young musician. My
father had been a chemistry and physics teacher, but I had gravitated
toward the arts: after being trained as a classical violinist, I had
taught myself also to play electric guitar.

As I absorbed the implications of Limits to Growth, I realized that
there were more important things than band rehearsals and gigs to
attend to, so I mostly left the music business (though I continue to
be an avid amateur violinist) and began looking for ways to help
shift society toward a more sustainable path. I became a freelance
writer-editor and started pursuing projects I thought might lead me
toward a better understanding of global trends and of how our species
might avert an overwhelming economic and environmental disaster.

It was clear that society would need to undertake fundamental
changes. But what were those changes, exactly? I thought the best way
to find out would be to form an intentional community as a kind of
social laboratory in which to explore alternatives in energy, food
production, and lifestyles. I ended up spending most of the next 20
years living in three communities - - one in Toronto that I helped
establish, and others in Colorado and southern California that had
already been going for some time before I joined. Intentional
communities (sometimes also known as communes, with many now thriving
under the banner of "eco-villages") are a fascinating social
phenomenon, and hundreds still flourish worldwide.

By the early 1990s, I was eager to reconnect with mainstream society
and bring what I had learned to a wider audience. My wife, Janet
Barocco, and I had met in an intentional community in southern
California; together we moved to a suburban home in Santa Rosa. By
the latter years of the decade I was teaching in a college program on
sustainability that I had helped initiate and design, while also
continuing to make my way as a freelance environmental writer.

It was at this point, in 1998, that I heard a second Great Wake-up

Peak Oil

It came in the form of an article in Scientific American

by veteran petroleum geologists Colin Campbell and Jean Laherr're
(both of whom had overseen exploration and production in major oil
companies), explaining why world oil extraction would reach a maximum
around 2010 and begin its permanent decline thereafter. I quickly
realized that Peak Oil would likely be the first non-negotiable
global limit to growth. The hazy forecast that industrial society
would hit a wall sometime in the 21st century was suddenly focused to
a painful specificity. Growth had acquired a hard expiration date.

Of course, oil does not pose our only societal limit, or even the
most important one in the bigger scheme of things: climate, water,
and topsoil are clearly more crucial in the long run. But the peaking
of world oil production could potentially bring modern industrial
civilization to its knees, while also undercutting coordinated
efforts to deal with all sorts of other problems.

Up to this point I had little interest in the subject of oil, or
energy generally. However, as I re-read the Scientific American
article, I realized the pivotal role petroleum plays in the modern
world - - in transportation, agriculture, and the chemicals and materials
industries. I began spending hours each day studying energy history
and oil production statistics. I soon realized that the Industrial
Revolution was really the Fossil Fuel Revolution, and that our modern
food system is based on cheap fossil energy. Further, the entire
phenomenon of continuous economic growth - - including the development of
the financial institutions that facilitate growth, such as fractional
reserve banking and the marketing of derivatives - - is ultimately based
on ever-increasing supplies of cheap energy. Growth requires more
manufacturing, more trade, and more transport, and those all in turn
require more energy. This means that if energy supplies can't expand
and energy therefore becomes significantly more expensive, economic
growth will falter and the financial system built on expectations of
perpetual growth will fail, possibly in a rather spectacular way.

As early as 1998, Campbell, Laherr're, and others were discussing a
Peak Oil impact scenario that went like this: Sometime around the
year 2010, they theorized, stagnant or falling oil supplies would
lead to soaring and more volatile petroleum prices, which would
precipitate a global economic crash. This rapid economic contraction
would in turn lead to sharply curtailed energy demand, so oil prices
would then fall; but as soon as the economy regained strength, demand
for oil would recover, prices would again soar, and the economy would
relapse. This cycle would continue, with each recovery phase being
shorter and weaker, and each crash deeper and harder, until the
economy was in ruins. Meanwhile, volatile oil prices would frustrate
investments in energy alternatives: one year, oil would be so
expensive that almost any other energy source would look cheap by
comparison; the next year, the price of oil would have fallen so far
that energy users would be flocking back to it, with investments in
other energy sources looking foolish. Investment capital would be in
short supply in any case because the banks would be insolvent due to
the crash, and governments would be broke due to declining tax
revenues. Meanwhile, international competition for dwindling oil
supplies might lead to wars between petroleum importing nations,
between importers and exporters, and between rival factions within
exporting nations.

Naturally, I also examined the arguments against the likelihood of a
near-term peak in global oil production. What if Campbell and
Laherr're were simply wrong? There are those who claim that new
technologies for crude oil extraction will increase the amount of oil
that can be obtained from each well drilled, and that there are nearly
endless reserves of alternative hydrocarbon resources (principally tar
sands and oil shale) whose development will seamlessly replace
conventional oil, thus delaying the inevitable peak for decades.
There are also those who say that Peak Oil won't be much of a problem
even if it happens soon, because the market will find substitutes as
quickly as needed - - whether electric cars, hydrogen, or liquid fuel
made from coal. I found all of these arguments weak: the new oil
extraction technologies won't come into wide use for several years,
and will be applicable mostly to newly developed fields (of which
there are fewer and fewer each year as exploration efforts continue
to show mostly disappointing results), not to the old super-giant
oilfields that produce the great bulk of oil that we use today. Tar
sands and oil shale will be slow to extract; indeed, in the case of
oil shale, we may never derive liquid fuels in any substantial
quantity due to the enormous costs of processing this very low-grade
material. And substitutes like electric cars, liquids from coal, and
hydrogen will take a very long time to develop and will in most cases
be much more costly than the equivalent elements of our current system
of petroleum fuels and internal combustion engines.

I continued to study the world energy situation for the next few
years. And, with every passing year, events appeared to be supporting
the Peak Oil thesis and undercutting the views of the oil optimists.
Oil prices were trending upward - - and for entirely foreseeable reasons:
discoveries of new oilfields were continuing to peter out, with most
new fields being much more difficult and expensive to develop than
ones found in previous years. More oil-producing countries were
seeing their extraction rates peaking and beginning to decline
despite efforts to maintain production growth using high-tech,
expensive secondary and tertiary extraction methods like the
injection of water, nitrogen, or CO2 to force more oil out of the
ground. Production decline rates in the world's old, super-giant
oilfields, which are responsible for the lion's share of the global
petroleum supply, were accelerating. Production of liquid fuels from
tar sands was expanding only slowly, while the development of oil
shale remained a hollow promise for the distant future.

I corresponded with and met the authors of the Scientific American
article, and interviewed other petroleum geologists and engineers.
One expert after another offered further reasons for concluding that
the thesis of "The End of Cheap Oil" was correct, that there were no
ready substitutes for crude oil, and that the consequences of a
near-term global oil production peak would be profound.

Given the almost complete absence of mainstream media coverage of the
subject, I spent several months assessing whether I should step into
the breach and write a book on Peak Oil. The fact that I had no
background in the oil industry or in any relevant academic field
weighed against doing so. Yet the need was clearly overwhelming, so I
decided to try. I spent 2001 and 2002 writing The Party's Over: Oil,
War and the Fate of Industrial Societies, which was published the
following year and went on to sell over 50,000 copies with
translations in six languages. I began receiving lecture invitations,
and, over the next few years, gave over 300 talks to a wide variety of
audiences in a dozen countries. More books followed: PowerDown:
Options and Actions for a Post Carbon World (2004); The Oil Depletion
Protocol: A Plan to Avert Oil Wars, Terrorism and Economic Collapse
(2006); Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Declines (2007);
and Blackout: Coal, Climate and the Last Energy Crisis (2009).

I was determined to sound a warning not just to the general public,
but especially to politicians and appointed government officials.
Members of a burgeoning informal global network of Peak Oil activists
arranged for me speak to hundreds of national, state, and local
politicians and appointed officials in the U.S., to about a hundred
members of the European Parliament, and to national Parliamentarians
in the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand.

From Scary Theory to Scarier Reality

Then in 2008, the Peak Oil scenario became all too real. Global oil
production had been stagnant since 2005 and petroleum prices had been
soaring upward. In July, 2008, the per-barrel price shot up nearly to
$150 - - half again higher (in inflation-adjusted terms) than the price
spikes of the 1970s that had triggered the worst recession since
World War II. By summer 2008, the auto industry, the trucking
industry, international shipping, agriculture, and the airlines were
all reeling.

But what happened next riveted the world's attention to such a degree
that the oil price spike was all but forgotten: in September 2008, the
global financial system nearly collapsed. The reasons for this sudden,
gripping crisis apparently had to do with housing bubbles, lack of
proper regulation of the banking industry, and the over-use of
bizarre financial products that almost nobody understood. However,
there are reasons for concluding that the oil price spike was a much
more important contributor to this economic meltdown than is
generally discussed (see

In the aftermath of that global financial near-death experience, both
the Peak Oil impact scenario proposed a decade earlier and the Limits
to Growth standard-run scenario of 1972 seemed to be confirmed with
uncanny and frightening accuracy. Global trade was falling. The
world's largest auto companies were on life support. The U.S. airline
industry had shrunk by almost a third. Food riots were erupting in
poor nations around the world. Lingering wars in Iraq (the nation
with the world's second-largest crude oil reserves) and Afghanistan
(the site of disputed oil and gas pipeline projects) continued to
bleed the coffers of the world's foremost oil-importing nation.

Meanwhile, the debate about what to do to rein in global climate
change exemplified the political inertia that had kept the world on
track for calamity since the early '70s. It had by now become obvious
to nearly every person of modest education and intellece that the
world has two urgent, incontrovertible reasons to rapidly end its
reliance on fossil fuels: the twin threats of climate catastrophe and
impending constraints to fuel supplies (with most of the remaining oil
reserves located in just a few countries). Yet at the Copenhagen
climate conference in December, 2009, the priorities of the most
fuel-dependent nations were clear: carbon emissions should be cut,
and fossil fuel dependency reduced, but only if doing so does not
threaten economic growth.

The cruel irony, obvious to my Peak Oil-aware colleagues but
apparently not to the delegates at Copenhagen, was that the
decades-long era of rapid economic growth based on increased
fossil-fueled production and consumption is over anyway. The world's
last chance to collectively, cooperatively negotiate a turn away from
the precipice was being squandered for the sake of a goal that was no
longer achievable.

I could take no satisfaction from these confirmations of the Limits
to Growth and Peak Oil scenarios; being able to say "I told you so"
hardly made up for the shock of knowing that our last opportunities
to change direction had been missed and that the train of industrial
civilization was now not merely still chugging toward a broken
bridge, but was actually starting to plummet into the gorge below. We
had succeeded somewhat in helping increase public awareness of an
issue: due to the efforts of thousands of scientists, writers, and
activists, "peak oil" had become a recognizable term in public
discourse. But we had failed to budge government policy in more than
very minor ways (I had, for example, assisted the City
Council-appointed Peak Oil Task Force of Oakland, California, which
produced a sensible report on which, so far, little action has been

The world has entered a new era. The project of awakening and warning
policy makers and the general public was worthy of the investment of
all the effort we could muster. In fact, it would have been negligent
of the Limits to Growth authors, Colin Campbell, Jean Laherr're, and
thousands of climate and environmental scientists and activists
(myself included) not to give it our best shot. But it is now too
late to avert a collapse of the existing system. The collapse has

It is time for a different strategy.

By saying this, I am not suggesting that we should all simply give up
and accept an inevitable, awful fate. Even though the collapse of the
world's financial and industrial systems has started, effort now at
minimizing further dire consequences is essential. Collapse does not
mean extinction. A new way of life will almost certainly emerge from
the wreckage of the fossil-fueled growth era. It is up to those of us
who have some understanding of what is happening, and why, to help
design that new way of life so that it will be sustainable,
equitable, and fulfilling for all concerned. We all need practical
strategies and tools to weather the collapse and to build the
foundation of whatever is to come after.

Journey to a New Economy

The propositions described above, and my personal journey, are the
starting points for a search that can be summarized in a single
question: What are the guideposts toward a livable, inviting
post-growth society?

This search has in many instances entailed a literal, geographic
journey. During the past few years, as I traveled the lecture
circuit, I met thousands of people who had already concluded on their
own that the global stage was being set for an economic crash of epic
proportions. They had passed through the psychological stages of
grief - - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They
were thinking creatively, building new lives, and experimenting with
a wide range of strategies for meeting basic human needs while using
much less of just about everything.

Some of these folks, like me, had been thinking along these lines for
a long time - - since the 1970s. Many were much younger, though, had
learned about Peak Oil or climate change just within the past few
years, and had recently decided to devote their lives to building a
post-hydrocarbon world. Some were clearly members of what was known
in the 1970s as the "counterculture." Others were mainstream
citizens - - investment bankers, real estate sellers, high school
teachers, small business owners, corporate middle managers - - who had
chanced upon information that awakened them forcibly from their
routines. Many of these folks lived in large cities, but others in
small towns or on farms; some were rich, some poor (a few by choice);
some were devout, others agnostic or atheist; some were working alone
on survivalist projects, while others were building community
organizations; some saw the transition as a business opportunity
while others were working through non-profit organizations. Here are
just three examples that stand out.

In 2005, while on a lecture tour in Ireland, I met a young college
teacher named Rob Hopkins who believed that life could be better
without fossil fuels. He had led his students in developing an
"Energy Descent Action Plan" for their town, and believed he had the
seed for something larger and more significant. He soon moved back to
his native England to earn his Ph.D., and designed his thesis project
around helping the village of Totnes begin a cooperative, phased
process of transitioning away from its dependence on fossil fuels.
This project in turn led to the start of a series of Transition
Initiatives in villages, towns, and neighborhoods throughout the U.K.
In 2007, a version of Rob's written Ph.D. thesis was published as a
book (The Transition Handbook) that quickly began inspiring others to
take up this strategy. Today there are hundreds of Transition
Initiatives at various stages of development in a dozen countries
(including over 50 in the U.S.).

While in Montana for a speaking engagement at the University of
Montana in Helena in spring 2009, some local Peak Oil activists drove
me to the town of Ronan and introduced me to Billie Lee, who had
helped start Mission Mountain Food Enterprise Center. The Center is
housed in a fairly small, nondescript building and features
medium-scale food processing equipment that local small food
producers can rent at reasonable rates. This enables small farmers to
produce value-added products (everything from canned soups to herbal
tea bags) that are profitable and are price-competitive with those
made by industrial food companies located hundreds or thousands of
miles from Ronan. Local food has become an obsession for the
sustainability-minded during the past few years, and local food
systems will be a necessary pillar of post-growth economies. Yet
aspiring small-scale farmers often have a hard time getting started
because they cannot afford the equipment to enable them to produce
profitable value-added products. Here in the tiny hamlet of Ronan was
an ingenious solution to the problem, and one that deserves to be
replicated in every agricultural county in the nation.

On a trip to New England in 2007, I met Lynn Benander, a community
energy activist and entrepreneur who had started a project called
Co-op Power to bring renewable energy to low-income and multi-ethnic
communities throughout the Northeast. Typically, renewable energy
projects cost more to get going than conventional coal or gas power
projects, and so they tend to be found in wealthier communities and
regions. Conversely, the most polluting energy projects tend to be
sited in or near poor neighborhoods or regions. Co-op Power aims to
change that imbalance of power in a way that any community can copy.
A typical project: You help four people put up a solar hot water
system and everyone comes to help you put up yours; you save 40 to 50
percent off your total system price, get to know your neighbors, and
learn how your system works. Co-op Power had also pioneered a
cooperative financing method that cuts through the usual roadblocks
to renewable energy projects in poorer neighborhoods by leveraging
member equity.

Individually, these initiatives and projects may seem to be on too
small a scale to make much of a difference. But multiplied by
thousands, with examples in nearly every community, they represent a
quiet yet powerful movement.

Few of these efforts have gained national media attention. Most media
commentators who address economic issues are focused on the
prospects - - positive or negative - - of the existing growth-based economy.
These projects don't seem all that important within that framework of
thinking. But in the new context of the no-growth economy, they may
mean the difference between ruinous poverty and happy sufficiency.

The trends are already in evidence: as the financial crisis worsens,
more people are planting gardens, and seed companies are working hard
to keep up with the demand. More young people are taking up farming
now than in any recent decade. In 2008, more bicycles were sold in
the U.S. than automobiles (not good news for the struggling car
companies, but great news for the climate). And since the crisis
started, Americans have been spending much less on
non-essentials - - repairing and re-using rather than replacing and

Many economists assume these trends are short-term and that Americans
will return to consumerism as economic crisis shifts into recovery.
But if there is no "recovery" in the usual sense, then these trends
will only grow.

This is what the early adopters are assuming. They believe that the
nation and the world have turned a corner. They understand something
the media either ignore or deny. They're betting on a future of local
food systems, not global agribusiness; of community credit co-ops
rather than too-big-to-fail Wall Street megabanks; of small-scale
renewable energy projects, not a world-spanning system of fossil-fuel
extraction, trade, and consumption. A future in which we do for
ourselves, share, and cooperate.

They're embarking on a life after growth.

* * *

The realization that growth is at an end raises many questions. Will
the financial impact be inflationary or deflationary? Will some
nations fare better than others, leading to protectionist trade wars?
Will the "down-sizing" of social and economic complexity lead also to
a substantial die-off of the human species? How quickly will all of
this happen?

There simply are no hard and fast answers to such questions. The
financial, energy, food, transport, and political systems on which we
rely are complex, so it is almost impossible to reliably model their
response to a shock such as a resource limits-imposed end to economic
growth. The only reasonable response, it seems to me, is to act as if
survival is possible, and to build resilience throughout society as
quickly as can be, acting locally wherever there are individuals or
groups with the understanding and wherewithal. We must assume that a
satisfactory, sustainable way of life is achievable in the absence of
fossil fuels and conventional economic growth, and go about building
it. This will be the focus of my work from now on - - and it is likely to
be the work of the next few generations as well. Call it Transition,
call it cultural survival and renewal, call it what you will, it is
the only game in town for the foreseeable future.

analysis shows that 30 years of historical data compares favorably

with key features of business-as-usual

By Richard Heinberg
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 21:56:21 -0500
Reprinted from ENERGY BULLETIN
